Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hey Jealousy!

That song is a trip down memory lane for me.

Anyway, it's a common theme for Troy Sexton.  Anyone who has a differing opinion than his, or who attacks him for his stupidity, is automatically "jealous" of him.

Him and his many sock puppets on the Hurricane, WV Topix will agree:

 You may say, "But those are different names"  That's true, however, Troy posts under multiple sock puppets and his real name from his employer, Turnpike Chevrolet, his home, and the Nitro, WV Public Library.  If you look at what he types, it's the same tired argument, that people are "jealous" of him.

I don't think people would be jealous that your daddy has handed everything to you.  He gave you a do-nothing job in his car lot (where you post and make your gay Youtube videos, on daddy's dime), he bought the fertility drugs where you and your wife (who got pregnant at age 16 by another man, by Troy's own admission), and the house you live in is in his name, unless you prove to us otherwise.  You refused to divulge your salary, why is that?

Troy claims to make all this money, but on another (now defunct) blog, he admitted to having only 2 grand in his savings, since he had to have 20 grand to get bailed out of jail, we're going to go with the idea that daddy came up with the rest.

Troy Sexton is the Paris Hilton of Hurricane, WV...only with more sand in his man-gina.

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